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Розробник: Ching Feng Lu

iDV131 是峰田科技提供給探索14號行動記錄器在iPhone使用的APP。
iPhone 安裝iDV131,透過WiFi連上探索14號後,會立刻自動校時與手機同步,並提供使用者預覽鏡頭影像,翻轉畫面,照相,格式化SD card,即回播存于SD card內的影像檔。
探索14號啟動後會成為一個WiFi AP熱點,名稱是"explorer14",但是它不會連結到外部internet。按一下開機鍵開啟探索14號 ,藍燈會閃爍約20秒,等藍燈恆亮時表示WiFi AP已開啟完成,這時先到手機的設定->WiFi->開 ,尋找"explorer14" 熱點,連上後開啟iDV131 APP。
主視窗內相機鏡頭的按鍵按下,即可進入預覽探索14號攝入的影像,下方的按鍵就是翻轉,拍照 ,啟動錄影,停止錄影,格式化SD card,回播已錄製的影片。
啟動錄影後探索14號將會以1080P Fuull HD 錄製H.264格式壓縮,存于SD card內。

iDV131 is a tools for Action camera(Explorer14) automatic date time setting ,image preview,and playback video.
IDV131 app is a application for iPhone use connect to Action camera ,that named Explorer14.
Explorer14 be a WiFi AP and server but not connect to public internet. iDV131 app be a station client, When Explorer14 power on and the blue light blinking ,after 20seconds when blue led stay in still light , WiFi AP was ready. Go in settings->WiFi you will find a WiFi AP SSID named "explorer14", Then tab select connect to that.
After connection was ok,go open iDV131 app.after lunch start screen will go in main function screen all function put in preview button ,the button is a image camera head inside a silver ring circle .
Into the preview screen ,play Explorer14 real time image that camera head toward .
You can command to rotation input image,take photo ,start record,stop record,formate SD card,and playback record videos or images.Record image is 1080P FullHD ,30frame pre second,and in encode H.264 format ,.MOV file write in SD card.